Category Archives: Literary Reviews

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: The Mysterious Howling is a delightful book by Maryrose  Wood.  The book playfully breaks the fourth wall to talk directly to the readers as it shares pithy morsels of wisdom.   This is the first in the series.

A newly graduated governess finds herself in a most unusual circumstance, but she muddles along with her head held high.  I found the book to have ended rather abruptly either by an editors cruel hand or marketings greed I do not know.    The flavor of the book reminded me of Lemony Snickets tales. There are 5 books out in the series for you to explore.

By the end of the book,  you must wonder who it is that is incorrigible.



Filed under Literary Reviews

Falling Down the Page

Falling Down the Page is a poetry anthology edited by Georgia Heard, published by Roaring Book Press. It is a fun fast read playing loose with formatting on the page. The typography rally makes the poems work. They are list poems — list of things you see, things you do, things you say — collected in playful ways. Makes the reader stop and consider the minutiae of the world that we take for granted in our hurry-scurry life. A poem about all the important things in life which are not on the test. Elaine Magliano’s  poems I especially liked as it helped reframe my point of view by describing the pencil’s pink top hat and yellow suit.  I thought the poems by Avis Harley worked well also; my favourite was “Ways to greet a friend”. These are short one-page poems that are light quick reads which still can leave you thinking.




Filed under Literary Reviews