Monthly Archives: February 2018

February Word Builders


In Late January, The Washington Post published an article about the Doomsday Clock. It is now TWO minutes until Midnight.  In the article it sighted the tensions between the USA and North Korea, citing the puerile name calling by the countries’ leaders. The editors felt a need to define in the body of the article the meaning of one of the words used by Kim Jong Un to describe the US President. Sad that they felt that North Korea’s leader’s use of English was above that of the average US Newspaper reader.

to Quote the Article, because they said it so well:

Kim responded with an arcane insult, declaring in an unusually direct and angry statement published by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency: “I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.” (Oxford defines dotard as “an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.”)

In that Washington Post was so amazed by the word they wrote an article on it detailing its history and recent rise in popularity.

I would argue that the word was Arcane  ( Adj) – understood by few, mysterious or secret  ( per Google’s Dictionary).

oh – and my word  Puerile :(Adj) childish or silly, immature,   Can mean relating to childhood but I have seldom seen it used in that context.   Etymologically:  in Latin puer = boy

Other words of recent note in the post-Black Panther age

Afrofuturism – a blend of science fiction and fantasy into African culture – First use of word credited to Mark Dery in his 1994 essay “Black to the Future”  – and captured powerfully in Marvel’s Black Panther country of Wakanda.

Diaspora-noun –  the dispersion a people from their native lands –  such as the diaspora of Venezuelans

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by | February 19, 2018 · 1:24 PM

Spring Submission opportunities

Now many submission opportunities you can find through duotrope or submission grinder. I will share others that I come across from time to time.   Always be certain to check contracts and any other details.  I will expand as I find interesting tidbits.

Deadline March 14, 2018: genre fantasy – short stories, comics, and lotsa art

Werewolves Versus ezine has a call out for tales about FASHION and werewolves.  The content, however, can be humorous, horror, mystery, modern day, historical, or futuristic.  Pay is based on a royalty system. I have published with them twice.–UOAa2AlKJmCwnCZPhqYw/edit#_=_

Deadline March 20, 2018: genre Animal fantasy – fairy tales or myths – poems – short stories or comics  

Enchanted Conversation e-zine is looking for stories, poems & comics that use animals as main characters or that operate as a catalyst to the story in a fairy tale, folklore, or mythic setting.  April issue Deadline is  March 20th.

Deadline April 30, 2018: genre: Anthropomorphic fantasy – short stories

Sofawolf Press is accepting submissions for a new anthology based in the world of New Tibet. Stories should be between 1,000 and 10,000 words.  This is a shared world project in the vein of Thieves’ World, many writers sharing the same universe.  Be sure to carefully follow world laws.

Alcyone, a speculative fiction and poetry magazine edited by SIUC alumna and novelist Mandi Jourdan, is seeking submissions!
We enjoy anything speculative; we love fantasy and science-fiction in all their forms from space opera to post-apocalyptic YA and the paranormal.
Fiction 10,000 words or less We accept short stories, novelettes, flash fiction, and novel excerpts, as long as they make a fair amount of sense being read as standalone pieces. Query at alcyonesubmissionsATgmailDOTcom for anything over 10k words. We will also consider novels, novellas, chapbooks, and other full-length works through Bloostone Press, the publishing house that runs Alcyone. Query for guidelines on those submissions.

Poetry 100 lines or less (In a single poem or in multiple poems as long as they fall at or below this threshold.)
Alcyone’s first issue is in progress, and it will feature authors including Gregory Kimbrell, Phillip Frey, Joseph Felser, Dan Fields, Lana Grey, and many more. We’re still seeking more poetry and fiction for the first issue!
Here are the submission guidelines:


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Filed under Short Stories, submission calls